Pursuing financial compensation as the family member of someone who lost their life due to mesothelioma can come with many challenges. Compensation may come from asbestos trust funds, veteran benefits, or lawsuits that lead to settlements or jury verdicts. Companies that went bankrupt over asbestos and mesothelioma lawsuits were required first to set up trust funds to compensate victims. Payment percentages will vary from trust to trust and are usually adjusted over time. Lawyers at the firm are well-versed in cases involving asbestos-related lung cancer, pleural thickening and mesothelioma. If your loved one is in their final days due to mesothelioma (or another asbestos-related illness), the goal is to start a claim immediately. 

To get compensation from any of these options, you must connect your illness to exposure. Get in touch with Blackwater Law today to discuss your mesothelioma claims. The RAND research says average award values for mesothelioma claims once the payment percentage has been applied range from $13,000 to $238,000. For example, if your claim was liquidated at $180,000 with a payment percentage of 20 per cent, your actual award would be $36,000. Claimants are also responsible for paying attorneys’ fees for the award. Every year, about 100 unlucky Kiwis are diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Compensation mesothelioma If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma you may be entitled to compensation, so get in touch and a mesothelioma lawyer can help you to find out what you are entitled to. Some trust funds are paying as low as 7.5 per cent of the claim value. Factors the trust takes into consideration for determining this value include your age, your condition, the number of dependents you have, non-economic damages you’ve suffered, and the settlement and verdict history of your law firm. However, asbestos companies do not always agree to reasonable settlement terms.

 Now, with many companies ordered to set up mesothelioma trust funds, compensation is more readily available without the hassle of a trial. Asbestos exposure was known to be dangerous by many of the companies whose workers ultimately contracted mesothelioma, so personal injury suits and wrongful death suits have been filed on behalf of workers and families to compensate for this negligence. Personal Injury Claims: These lawsuits are filed by people diagnosed with mesothelioma seeking compensation to cover medical bills, lost wages and other expenses. Patients also receive lost wages. 

You also may be eligible to receive compensation if you lost a loved one to mesothelioma. Veterans who were exposed to asbestos during their service may be eligible for disability benefits and other assistance through the U.S. VA healthcare facilities offer low-cost treatment options and can help veterans with travel and lodging costs. Once your claim is liquidated, the trust will provide you with an offer. You will receive payment for your claim based on the date you were entered into the payment queue. To determine your award, the trust will multiply the liquidated value of your claim by a set payment percentage based on a forecast of the trust’s total liability to present and future claimants. To ensure that there is enough compensation available for future claimants, trusts discount awards by a rate known as the payment percentage. 

There had already been mesothelioma cases among schoolteachers and maintenance workers in public buildings. There were no construction workers in the family, who might have brought contaminated overalls home. Before moving forward, there should be no doubts in your mind that your legal team has your best interests in mind. On some occasions, our clients are diagnosed with asbestos disease and they have never knowingly worked with asbestos but upon questioning them it is established that there has been a secondary exposure to asbestos.

Each asbestos disease level has its own set of medical and exposure criteria that must be met. If you filed for expedited review, your claim will be liquidated according to the scheduled value of your disease level set forth in the trust’s TDP, regardless of your individual circumstances. Mesothelioma is Prescribed for Disease D3. Please view our dedicated dependency claims page to learn more about making a mesothelioma claim as a dependent. A lawyer can also advise you about trust fund claims and how they might affect other legal claims available to you. 

Such deaths are recorded as the inhalation of fibres that can cause mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis and pleural thickening. In 2010, former Wellington principal Peter Kohing pleaded for all schools to be made asbestos-free, after he contracted mesothelioma, from inhaling asbestos fibres at two schools he worked at. Pleural Mesothelioma is the result of asbestos fibres being breathed into the lungs.

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